Home Garden Asparagus plumosus: Grandma’s favorite plant in you yard or garden

Asparagus plumosus: Grandma’s favorite plant in you yard or garden

by Eva

Asparagus plumosus: Grandma’s favorite plant in you yard or garden

From the “grandma’s plants” that used to be missing from almost no yard and not unjustifiably since the Asparagus plumosus is a very durable and fast growing plant with a very special appearance.

General characteristics

A perennial climbing plant of very fast growth, originating from Africa, which is classified as an indoor plant, but in shady – semi-shady places and areas with mild climatic conditions, it grows equally satisfactorily in the external environment.
Asparagus plumosus its scientific name and although it belongs to the same family as “Ferns” has a different morphology from the ornamental “Asparagus” (Asparagus seteceus) with which it is often confused.

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The central shoots are wooded while the plant is growing and can exceed 2 meters in length, while the young flexible stems have small “thorns” through which the Asparagus plumosus climbs.
Its main feature is the very special thin, tufted and dark green foliage that grows in “spruce” shaped arrays, in all directions, consisting of slender “needles”.

It belongs to the species that are considered to help clean the atmosphere, accumulating pollutants in its foliage and releasing pure oxygen, while the morphology of the foliage that with the proper pruning can be formed in the shape of an “umbrella” at the top of the shoots makes it ideal for placement in compositions-miniatures of gardens of Asian – Chinese aesthetics, small cactus gardens in pots etc.


Soil: Depending on where you place it, use a common indoor or outdoor humus.

Position: The Asparagus plumosus does not … particularly love light and the sun, so it grows ideally in semi-shady places where it will not receive direct sunlight.
In outdoor environment it grows ideally under the shade of trees as well as in places that receive only the afternoon sun.
It is more sensitive to cold than to heat and ideal temperature conditions when indoors are 15-25 ° C and in places away from radiators.
Excessive light has the consequence that the “needles” of its leaves acquire a brown color and eventually dry out, while the complete absence of light turns the foliage yellow.

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Watering: It needs enough moisture for this and from spring to autumn you water with a frequency that keeps the soil permanently slightly moist, while in the winter months you leave the soil between waterings to dry.
The gentle sprinkling of the leaves, on plants placed indoors, also favors its growth and general vigor.

Fertilization: Without being absolutely necessary from the beginning of spring to autumn, a small amount of liquid fertilizer, once a month, favors its even faster growth.

Pruning: Pruning is necessary mainly for potted plants in order to maintain their shape, while in hanging or climbing Asparagus plumosus outdoors you can direct the shoots to the point where you want the plant to cover, removing only leaves at the bottom. and dry twigs.

Transplantation: Plants placed in pots are transplanted every 2-3 years, depending on their growth.














Images via: Pinterest

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