Home Garden Secrets for growing Raspberries in a pot or your garden

Secrets for growing Raspberries in a pot or your garden

by Eva

Secrets for growing Raspberries in a pot or your garden

Raspberries have been known to us since ancient times. Each of us at least once in a life tasted aromatic raspberry jam with tea. And surely everyone has heard about the wonderful healing properties of raspberries. We will talk about how to get this culture on our garden, and talk about the intricacies of cultivation and the secrets of care.

Raspberries belong to the Pink family. This is a bush with upright shoots with small spikes. The color of the berries can vary from light pink to almost black (blackberry varieties of raspberries), and there is yellow raspberry.

In the second year after planting, there will be twigs that will bear fruit, in the southern regions of our country berries can appear in the first year of planting. Repairing raspberry varieties that can produce crops at lower temperatures have now been bred.

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Planting raspberries

If you have already planted shrubs, planting raspberries will not cause much trouble. The optimal soil for this crop is neutral or slightly acidic. It is necessary to give them a sunny place with isolation from strong winds, with good snow cover in winter. Make sure that the predecessors of raspberries are not plants similar to it in terms of disease (tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes).

For raspberries you need to take a sunny place

Raspberries are planted in spring, autumn, green cuttings – in the summer. The soil is prepared in advance: with autumn planting – about a month, with spring – from autumn. If you do not have time, then in the spring, about 2-3 weeks, before you are planning to plant.

Raspberries can be grown both in separate bushes (at the same time about 10 shoots are left on each), and in a trellis (ribbon) way, for this they plant it in rows. In the first case, they plant in separate holes, in the second – in trenches.

Planting in separate bushes

Make holes about 40 by 50 cm in size (the same size as the trench), sprinkle the planting mixture with a little mound, moisten the roots in a mullein nutrient solution or a mortar from the planting mixture. Dip the roots of the plant in the hole, sprinkle with a fertile layer of earth.
Take the distance between the bushes about 1 m, and between the rows – about 2 m. The root neck should be several cm above the soil level, so that when the soil shrinks completely after irrigation, it will be at ground level. It is impossible to deepen, this can lead to decay of the root bud, but a high landing for raspberries is undesirable.

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After planting, water the seedlings, and then mulch the soil with humus, peat or dry earth in case of emergency. But if the earth is well moistened (rain), then extra watering is not needed. If the buds on the seedling are well developed, cut it off, leaving 30 cm.

Raspberry Care


Raspberries are very fond of watering, especially in the spring and summer, but not the bay! It is important that the roots receive enough moisture.

Raspberries love watering
Pruning is needed to shorten fruiting shoots, remove thickening and unnecessary root shoots. Fruiting shoots after planting in the spring are usually pruned somewhere by 20 cm.

Raspberry pruning needed
From the second year, the shoots are shortened either after harvesting, or in the spring. After winter, old shoots are cut at the very base. The first figure shows how to do it right, the second – wrong.

Loosening the soil, removing weeds

In order not to often dig up the soil, the aisle can be mulched – covered with straw, peat.
Bending raspberry bushes for the winter
Many varieties of raspberries are bent for the winter, so that the frost does not damage the shoots, for this, tilt the bushes to each other and tie them.

So that the shoots do not break under the weight of the fruits, they are tied. The most common is the fan method, in which two sticks need to be driven between the bushes, and part of the shoots of one bush and part of the shoots of the adjacent one are tied to them at different heights – a kind of fan is obtained.

When planting raspberries in a trench method, a trellis garter is best suited when several rows of wire are tied to hammered posts; shoots are tied to it, so that they are in the row-spacing slightly inclined.

Types and varieties of raspberries

Traditional raspberries are the most hardy, the crop is regular, the berries are medium in size, somewhere up to 4 g, the yield is average. It adapts well to environmental conditions. A large number of root shoots.

Β Remontant – gives abundant crops, berries up to 4 g. Many gardeners prune it after fruiting under the root, so that next fall to get more berries and avoid disease damage. Very frost resistant.

Large-fruited raspberries – the fruits of this species are larger in size than the remontant and well-known traditional varieties. The flavoring qualities of large-fruited raspberries are excellent, you can get a lot of crops and the transportability of many varieties is very good.


















Images via: pinterest

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