Winter flowers – Warm colors in the snow
The flowers and their flowering symbolize of course spring, synonymous with renewal for the earth which is reborn from its cold winter ashes. However, nature abhors a vacuum, winter is not a period completely untouched by buds and floral colors. Some so-called rustic winter flowers have chosen the coldest periods to flourish, even in the snow. Here are a dozen species that can brighten up your garden this winter, as well as others to plant now, for spring flowering.
6 Plants that do not cause allergy
Pansy or Violaceae
Poet’s Carnation or Dianthus Barbatus
Muflier ή Antirrhinum
Bruyere or Erica
Daphne or Daphne Mezereum
Jade tree or Crassula Ovata
Armand’s Clematis or Clematis Armandii
Galanthus Nivalis or Snowdrops
Christmas Hellebore or Helleborus Niger
Winter viburnum
Via: archzine
[…] there is a flower representing the ultimate winter, this is definitely the mimosa. In this difficult for other plants season, these small yellow […]
[…] amaryllis, or star of the knight, is one of the most beautiful flowers of winter. It needs very little care and does not need special soil to bloom. It is quite enough if you spray […]
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