Home Garden Passiflora: The flower – fruit of … passion in your pot and garden

Passiflora: The flower – fruit of … passion in your pot and garden

by Eva

Passiflora: The flower – fruit of … passion in your pot and garden

Evergreen, deciduous and very fast growing climber native to Central and South America. The Passifloraceae family includes over 600 species – varieties of plants of which Passiflora Edulis is edible.

The main feature of its fragrant flowers is the stamens that look like clock hands, hence the common name of Passionflower as Clock.

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The height of the plant can exceed 10 meters and the rapid growth of Passionflower makes it ideal for covering fences, yards, pergolas, etc. where it climbs with small “propellers” that grow at points of the shoots.

The fruits have an oval shape in yellow or orange color and depending on the variety, their size can be like that of an egg to a small … melon! Their interior looks like gelatinous pulp in red and is one of the most sought after tropical fruits.

The color of the usually two-colored flowers of Passionflower also differs depending on the species – variety and the combinations of shades of blue, white, red and pink purple give the flowers a very special look.
In our country are found the basic species Passiflora Caerulea, Passiflora Incarnata and Passiflora Quadrangularis, with white and purple flowers.

The large glossy leaves of Passionflower that grow in 3 or 6 pods are also fragrant.
The leaves of Passionflower are rich in flavonoids and was a plant especially loved by the Indians who used it to treat edema, fungal infections and as a blood tonic. Today it is used as an herb with soothing, antispasmodic and sedative properties.

It grows in a sunny or semi-shady place and protected from the intense summer sun that can cause burns to the foliage, although it generally withstands heat while on the contrary it is sensitive to extremely low temperatures below -10 ° C.

It needs enough water and should be watered 1-2 times during the spring and at least every 2-3 days in the summer, depending of course on the prevailing weather conditions.

A granular common fertilizer of ornamental plants in early spring, summer and autumn enhances the flowering and general vigor of the plant.

It is a summer flowering plant, its impressive flowers appear from the beginning of June until the end of summer and its propagation is done with seeds or cuttings.

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Because the plants that come from seeds bloom after several years, prefer the cuttings, placing at the beginning of spring or summer branches of Passilphora 10-15cm long in fluffy topsoil. They take root after 2-4 weeks and in 6-8 weeks the young plants are ready for transplanting.

It is a summer flowering plant, its impressive flowers appear from the beginning of June until the end of summer and its propagation is done with seeds or cuttings.


Because the plants that come from seeds bloom after several years, prefer the cuttings, placing at the beginning of spring or summer branches of Passilphora 10-15cm long in fluffy topsoil. They take root after 2-4 weeks and in 6-8 weeks the young plants are ready for transplanting.



Images via: soulouposeto

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