Home Garden Care information and tips for grow agapanthus in your pot or garden

Care information and tips for grow agapanthus in your pot or garden

by Eva

Care information and tips for grow agapanthus in your pot or garden

Particularly durable and easy to grow, Agapanthos is ideal to add intense blue color to your garden during the summer.

General characteristics

Perennial and evergreen bulbous native to South Africa

Agapanthus the botanical name of the genus to which belong dozens of individual varieties with the same general characteristics. They differ mainly in the shade of the flowers which varies from white to intense blue-purple.
Also referred to as the African Lily or Lily of the Nile.

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Agapanthus is slow growing but with impressive flowering. Extremely durable and easy to grow, ideal to add bright blue to your garden during the summer.

The leathery lanceolate leaves that emerge directly from the roots of the plant have a length of 60-80cm while the shoots at the top of which appear in spherical inflorescences, the flowers can exceed 80-90cm in height.

The flowers of Agapanthus, from 10-20 to more than 100 in each flowering “sphere” of the plant depending on the variety, have a conical shape and the same impressive appearance both before they open and during the period of full flowering.

The flowers last for a long time on the plant, they are just as beautiful and placed in a vase even if they are dried.

Agapanthus can be planted in large planting pots, but mainly it is suitable for creating impressive flower beds with individual plantings, for adding color to rock gardens but also for planting in rows to create corridors – islands. Both the height and the dense foliage also make it suitable for low cover in yards or other not so elegant parts of the garden.

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How to care Agapanthus


It grows in any type of soil, as long as the soil has very good drainage. In the initial planting of the bulbs use a enriched topsoil or compost to help it grow faster.


It grows in fully sunny or slightly semi-shady places and is suitable for planting in coastal areas.

It belongs to the plants that are more resistant to high temperatures, while some varieties are equally resistant to very low temperatures.


It needs regular watering (2-3 times a week during the warm periods of the year) especially in the first years of its development. Good soil drainage is important. Agapanthus should not be planted in places where rainwater stagnates, if you do not place it in a planting container, avoid the dish or empty the excess water so that its fleshy roots dry between waterings.


Like all bulbs it does not require pruning, except for the removal of any dry – diseased leaves and pruning of flowering shoots when the flowers wither.


In early spring and summer, use an enriched preparation for flowering cosmetics, which will enhance the flowering and general health of Agapanthus, especially in the first years of plant growth.

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Flowering – Propagation

Agapanthus blooms from the end of June to the end of August or a little longer, if the general weather conditions are mild. Due to its slow growth new plants may not bloom for the first 1-2 years.

Its propagation is mainly done by dividing the roots, but it should be done in plants older than 3-4 years, in the beginning of spring. In large nurseries you will find both ready-made Agapanthos plants and bulbs for planting in early spring, when the intense winter cold has passed.











Source: soulouposeto

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Barbara June 16, 2024 - 8:01 pm

Love all the photos you have of small and large agapanthas! I grew agapanthas easily in Southern California, but here in North Texas, they are like an annual unless I uproot them and bring them into our shed/greenhouse. I am looking for a type which can handle down to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Probably none, but I can dream! 🙂

Enjoy yours,
Barb 🙂


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