Tulips: The most beautiful spring flowers for your pots and garden
Tulips, one of the most beautiful and “special” flowers, the pre-eminent “symbol of love”. Some blooming tulips in pots or flower beds, it is certain that it will be very difficult to compete with them in beauty any other spring flower in your garden or balcony. It is not a “difficult” plant, as long as you meet some basic requirements, especially that it does not like bright sun and high temperatures. The bulbs are planted from October to November.
Depending on the variety, they bloom from March to May and the flowering period lasts 2-3 weeks. One way to have blooming tulips throughout the spring is not to plant the bulbs in bulk, but a few at intervals of about 10 days. If for some reason you can’t wait to have these pretty blooms, you can always order tulips online and have them delivered straight to your door the next day.
How to make an original DIY flowerbed for tulips
Another way is to plant the bulbs at different depths so that they do not bloom and wither all at once. If you do it in pots, combine in the same way bulbs from other species such as crocuses, narcissus, the image when they bloom gradually is really impressive.
For tulips, choose places protected from the wind and without intense and continuous sunshine all hours of the day and especially keep the plants away from the intense midday sun. Ideally grows in partial shade.
A common fertilizer in granules or liquid, once a week from the moment they begin to germinate until the end of flowering, will ensure you healthy plants and flowers.
A very good watering every 3-4 days is enough for them, provided of course that the climatic conditions will be normal for the beginning of spring and the plants will not be exposed to absolute sunshine.
After flowering, continue watering the plants until all the leaves are dry. Then cut the shoots and carefully uproot the bulbs, remove the soil and without rinsing them, store them in paper bags and in a shady place, to plant them again the following autumn. The bulbs bloom for many years even if they remain in the ground and after the end of each flowering the withered ground part of the plant is cut.
Muscari Mountain Lady: A fragrant plant for your containers and garden
Tulips are one of the most beautiful plants in vases, so do not “regret” to cut some of your pots or flower beds, to convey a spring atmosphere in the house.
To choose colors and sizes, there are over 100 varieties of tulips, but not all of them thrive in the climate of our country. However, in the nurseries you will find a wide variety of tulip bulbs with monochromatic, bicolor, small or larger flowers, to create either impressively uniform flower beds or colorful “spring rugs” and ready-made potted plants from the end of February.
In the garden, an idea that can highlight them ideally, is to plant them in free makeshift flower beds, not bordered by yards, fences, etc. Choose any point and draw a small or larger circle on the ground, depending on your available space. Dig the soil, enrich with manure or a fertilizer and plant different colors and varieties at different depths, so that they bloom gradually.
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