Kalanchoe an amazing colorful plant: how to care, seedlings and DIY decorating ideas
Of small and delicate flowers, arranged in bouquet format, the Kalanchoe surprises by its rustic beauty, colorful and full of simplicity. Also known as the flower of fortune, the Kalanchoe is native to the African continent where it is also called the Kalandiva.
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Kalanchoe has a very special meaning, especially when given as a gift since the plant is a symbol of prosperity, fortune, and happiness.
And did you know that Kalanchoe is a type of succulent? That’s right, the flower of fortune belongs to the Crassulaceae family, that is, it’s no wonder their leaves are so “chubby”.
Kalanchoe can be found in different shades of color, the most common being Kalanchoe red, yellow, orange, pink and white. And anyone who prefers can bet on the version Kalanchoe mini, an even more delicate type of the species.
How to Care for Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe appreciates a soil rich in organic matter, porous and very well drained. At the time of planting, the tip is to prepare a mixture with a piece of common earth, a piece of vegetable soil and two parts of sand.
It is very important to fertilize the Kalanchoe to ensure intense and abundant flowering. In addition to soil rich in organic matter, you can still arrange annual fertilization with earthworm humus and bone meal. It is also worth investing in the NPK fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), where the amount of phosphorus (P) must be higher since this mineral is responsible for stimulating flowering. And when will the Kalanchoe bloom? The flowering season of kalanchoe is late fall and early spring. If the plant is well cared for, the flowers can last for up to three months.
Like any succulent plant, the Kalanchoe does not tolerate much water and frequent watering. It is recommended to water it only when the soil is dry, on average every three days, however, make sure the soil is touching the pot. Remember that too much water can rot the roots of Kalanchoe since the lack of water leaves the leaves of the plant yellowish.
Kalanchoe needs direct sunlight to stay beautiful and healthy, so it’s not a good choice for indoor environments unless you stay in a place with good light. One tip is to use the Kalanchoes on bouncers on the porch or lining the garden.
How to make kalanchoe seedlings
The easiest and most effective way to make a Kalanchoe seedlings is by the cutting method. This means that you will need to cut a plant branch that is at least five centimeters long. Then remove the excess leaves, leaving only two. Wrap the twig in a paper towel and place it in a shady location for about three days to dry.
After this period, plant the stake in a pot with soil prepared as mentioned above. Dampen the soil with the aid of a spray gun. From then on, just wait for your kalanchoe to sprout. Just remember to protect the seedling from the sun during this rooting process and keep the soil always moist.
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How to use kalanchoe in decoration
Kalanchoe can be used very successfully to compose the decoration of houses and work environments, especially since it is an easy species to be cultivated, requiring only good lighting.
Being a rustic-looking plant, Kalanchoe blends nicely with wooden cachepots and natural fibers, such as jute. But if you want to give the plant a more sophisticated investment in a ceramic pot, the result will be equally beautiful.