Home Garden How to grow Gazania in your pot and garden – 40 inspirational ideas

How to grow Gazania in your pot and garden – 40 inspirational ideas

by Eva

How to grow Gazania in your pot and garden – 40 inspirational ideas

Gazania (Gazania hybrids) also known as Treasure Flower or African Daisy is a clump-forming perennial. It is part of the Asteraceae or daisy family and is native to South Africa. Gazania is a ground cover that produces slender long lobed silvery-green leaves. The main flowering period is Spring through to early Summer, however, they will flower at other times of the year as well. Brightly colored daisy-like flowers will appear on single straight stems above the foliage. The color range from large solid colors of deep reds, oranges, and yellows to vertical strips of white, yellow, orange, or pink on some petals. When a position in the garden they need full sun and are not too fussed with soil type as long as it is well-draining. They are drought tolerant when established but dislike frost and wet Winters.

Benefits of Growing Gazania

Gazania is an easy-to-grow plant that will establish very fast and have little maintenance afterward. They are a great option to prevent weed growth due to their tight clumping format. They are ideal in dry gardens, rock gardens, borders, mass plantings, or coastal gardens.

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Gazaniaย Growing Guide


Any good garden soil with excellent drainage.


Full sun.

Frost tolerant

Gazania plants can tolerate light frosts but not hard freezes. They can be grown as perennials only in tropical climates.


Fast growth is encouraged by mixing a balanced organic fertilizer into the soil before planting. Drench plants with a liquid fertilizer in late summer to support strong blooming in autumn.

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Coreopsis and Echinacea. Pair gazanias with taller drought-tolerant flowers such as gomphrena and coreopsis. If you prefer a low-growing composition, soften the coarse texture of gazanias with companionable mounds of portulaca.


Single Plants:ย 11″ (30cm) each way (minimum)
Rows:ย 11″ (30cm) with 11″ (30cm) row gap (minimum)

Sow and Plant

When starting gazania seeds indoors in early spring, cover them well with a moist seed starting mix. Gazanias also can be direct-sown in late spring, after the soil has warmed. In warm climates, established plants can be propagated by division.
Ourย Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant, and harvest for your area.


Originally from South Africa, gazania survives high heat better than many other flowers. Gazania colors include orange, yellow, white, pink, and many bi colors.

Gaillardia, a plant with flowers that look like an Indian carpet in your garden


Blossoms open during the day and close at night, so they are not useful as cut flowers. Container-grown plants can be brought indoors in fall and kept growing in a sunny windowsill or heated greenhouse.


Excessive rain can cause gazanias to develop problems with root rot diseases.

Planting and Harvesting Calendar

Want to find out when you can plant this in your garden? We use historical data from your local weather station to calculate the best range of planting dates for your location.

































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Vicki November 12, 2021 - 6:22 pm

How do you keep them from getting leggy? I like them really short.

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[…] How to grow Gazania in your pot and garden โ€“ 40 inspirational ideas […]

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