Home Garden Cleome, a special plant, with an airy appearance and original inflorescences, ideal for your yard and garden

Cleome, a special plant, with an airy appearance and original inflorescences, ideal for your yard and garden

by Eva

Cleome, a special plant, with an airy appearance and original inflorescences, ideal for your yard and garden

Cleome is one of the most interesting annual plants. Its flowers consist of 4 pinkish-purple or white petals that have a special, airy appearance due to the long stamens that protrude from the flowers.

Many flowers appear on each stem, in inflorescences, so the cleome appears to be covered in pink or white flowers, with a completely special appearance. Her flowers also keep in the vase for about a week.

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Cleome needs plenty of direct sunlight and as it grows to over 50cm tall, when you plant it be prepared to add supports to tie it in as it grows.

Cleome is suitable for use in flower beds, planted in rows, but because its base is usually bare without many leaves, it would be good to put it at the back of the flower bed and plant something lower in front of it.


It does not need special care and is an easy plant. Water it when the soil is dry on the surface, don’t let water stagnate in the pots but also don’t let the plant get thirsty. When watering, avoid wetting its leaves or flowers as this will shorten its lifespan. Cleome needs constant fertilizing, use fertilizer for flowering plants every 15 days or so throughout its flowering period, which lasts until the first frosts of autumn.

Plant the seeds, directly in the garden or in large pots, in the spring after the weather begins to warm. The soil should have very good drainage and ideally should also contain a large percentage of sand.

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Cleome is self-sowing in the garden, but if you want to collect seeds, let its flowers go to seed in late summer, pick them and store them in a dry and cool place until next year. Seeded flowers can also be turned into dried ornaments for your arrangements.


















Images via: Pinterest

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1 comment

Heliconia, the wonderful tropical plant with beautiful flowers, for the pot garden and decoration of your home | My desired home September 29, 2023 - 10:25 am

[…] Cleome, a special plant, with an airy appearance and original inflorescences, ideal for your yard an… […]


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