Home Decoration ideas Turn wicker baskets into amazing autumn decorations: 22 ideas that you will love!

Turn wicker baskets into amazing autumn decorations: 22 ideas that you will love!

by Eva

Turn wicker baskets into amazing autumn decorations: 22 ideas that you will love!

Are you looking for inspiration and instructions for making autumn decorations? You can get inspired here and make similar decorations yourself at home according to our ideas. For the production of decorations, autumn offers us a large amount of natural material for creation. In today’s article we will show you how to turn a wicker basket into the most beautiful autumn decoration.

Autumn Plants & Ideas to combine them in pots

Fill the wicker basket with autumn material. Calluna, which simply belongs to the autumn plants, is also a very popular variant. Take a look at the collection below and get inspired.






















Images via: Pinterest

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