Amazing ideas for eyecatching DIY framed flower gardens Mixing reuse and gardening pieces is nothing new here on the blog. We have already talked about drawers, crates, pallets, leftovers and …
garden design
Wonderful DIY trellises for climbing plants See these trellises for climbing plants. They are creative ideas and they have everything to make your garden even more beautiful and decorated. They …
Garden decoration with jasmine the most popular climbing plant Jasmin the most popular climbing, the first to think about every point we need to “fill” with green spots in piles, …
Inspired small gardens for houses and apartments Many people have the desire to own a green area in their residence, so the small gardens have taken up space in the …
Cottage garden ideas- when close to nature is what is required If you have not been out in your country garden during the long winter months and have recently discovered …
Amazing ideas for sloping gardens – turn the slope into an advantage Creating ideas for sloping gardens is a challenge for landscape architects. However, the existence of an inclination of …
Garden with stones: ideas for the most relaxed lazy gardeners You can decorate your garden with elaborate flower beds that require constant care. And you can just make a garden …
Garden paths: 28 DIY proposals to beautify your outdoor Garden paths – this evocative element can completely change the look of your outdoor, small or large. The goal is to …