Home Decoration ideas Magical new DIY decorations with demijohns

Magical new DIY decorations with demijohns

by Eva

Magical new DIY decorations with demijohns

Glass objects give a unique style to any decoration. They are very versatile and can be used to create a good atmosphere and beautiful decoration for any season. For example, a large vase placed on the floor or a large table can accommodate flowers of the season. You can fill it with spring twigs, sand and decorative shell for summer, apples or colorful leaves for autumn, pine cones for winter. And it’s still the same decorative object. This is why DIY decorations with diamonds give great results. The glass items you already have at home are your best friends when it comes to simple, inexpensive and beautifully decorated at the same time.

How to Make a DIY stylish vase from an old lamp

Get a demijohn, there are many DIY project options with them. You can choose one of the creative design ideas for your liking and customize it to your liking. Here are the most inspirational recycling ideas that can accommodate very cool manual activities that create a beautiful décor:

  • Use a demijohn as a vessel and fill it with flowers or colored sand

  • Play with floral arrangements of compositions on a demo

  • Make a Damascus Lamp

  • Make a terrarium for plants

  • Put a light garland or cord on it

Find in our pictures below the inspiration for decorating with the main material of the damask to make your own.






















































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