Home Gardening Little tricks to grow lush dill bushes in pots and your garden

Little tricks to grow lush dill bushes in pots and your garden

by Eva

Little tricks to grow lush dill bushes in pots and your garden

Dill is a popular and beloved by many greens, which is grown in almost every vegetable garden, summer cottage. In addition, it is very beneficial for the body. But in order to really grow a good harvest, and enough to eat, freeze or dry and preserve, you also need to make an effort.

The first thing to do is fertilize the soil in the garden, and this should be done in the fall. Compost is used as fertilizer. After its introduction, the bed is dug up.

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As for self-seeding dill, it is also better to leave it (albeit not all). Excellent umbrellas are formed on it (better than the one we usually sow). And they are extremely important for conservation.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the acidity of the soil. For dill, neutral soil is ideal – pH = 6-7. Dill should be sown in a sunny place. In the shade, the quality of the greenery is much worse. It is not necessary to soak the seeds before sowing. In this matter, everyone does as he pleases.

For continuous collection of dill, it must be sown at intervals of two to three weeks during the summer. Even before the first shoots appear, the garden should not be watered abundantly, otherwise a crust will form, which is not very good. Dill does not like a lot of moisture at all.

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By following these simple rules, you will definitely not be left without dill.











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