Home Garden Gardening tips seed to harvest: How to grow easily tomatoes at home

Gardening tips seed to harvest: How to grow easily tomatoes at home

by Eva

Gardening tips seed to harvest: How to grow easily tomatoes at home

If you want your own tomato harvest at home this post is a great inspiration for you today. Fist take some fresh organic tomatow and cut them into slices. Take a small pot with drainage, and fill it with potting mix. Place the slices on the surface of the potting mix. You can also remove the tomato flesh to avoid fungus growth; Next cover them with soil and pat down lightly. Water them well, and keep the pot in partial shade and when the seed start to germinate move the pot into whole sun. Keep the soil evenly moist during the germination phase. When the seeding are 15-20 cm tall at that point you can transplant them in their final location.





Sweet Pea – The tiniest tomatoes you’ve ever seen in your pot or garden

Use a large pot or container with drainage holes in the bottom . Use​ loose, well-draining soil. Good pottingΒ  holes at the bottommix with added organic matter.Β  Add​ organic compost after every 15-20 days . Plant​ tomato plant as deep as possible. Taller​ varieties may need to be staked to provide support . Place​ the pot in a sunny spot with 6 to 8 hours of full sun a day.Β  Keep​ soil moist. Containers will dry out more quickly than the garden soil, so check daily and provide extra water during hot days










Garden tomatoes tips – practical ideas to know how to care them

PLANTING TIME: Seeds are sown in april – may for summer crop. Seeds are sown in June July for autumn winter crop. In the hills seed is sown in March April. In mild climates- you can plant tomato seeds anytime from September until November.

Gardening tips: Effective homemade fertilizer for seedlings – For the development of strong and healthy vegetables




Watch the video for step by step guide.

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