Home Clever ideas Creative diy lights from jars

Creative diy lights from jars

by Eva

How can you make lights from jars

Lately, even in stores, such lighting fixtures have been made of materials or things you already have at home. What we want today to show you is how to create yourself such a body of light from jars in a creative and beautiful way.

DIY: Lighting lanterns from dried pumpkins


Vintage Lighting Bodies vs. Modern Lighting Bodies. The “Battle” between vintage and modern is the one we all know. What we want to point out today is that any room may have its own different style. Of course, that does not mean that you will make completely different styles of layout for your home, but you can combine them with much creativity.

Lamps for each room In part, for example, in your living room, you can choose modern furniture pieces that will fit nicely. The light in the living room is very important to the whole family because it has to correspond to the activities you have in that room. In the living room, we have to choose both diffused light lamps and powerful lighting fixtures.

In following images you can see someΒ Creative diy lights ideas from jars.

diy lights from jars1 diy lights from jars2 diy lights from jars3 diy lights from jars4 diy lights from jars5


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1 comment

Deborah April 10, 2018 - 7:51 am

Doesn’t the glass break, being it’s enclosed? What is the estate for the bulb? It looks interesting and I’d love to try it! Thank you.

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