Home DIY 52 Ideas for Modern Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets

52 Ideas for Modern Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets

by Eva

Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets

52 Ideas for Modern Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets

Do you dream of a garden that combines modern aesthetics with ecological awareness? Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets is the ideal solution to create an ultra-modern and original space. Discover how you can transform pallets into elegant and functional furniture, decorative elements, and other unique pieces that will upgrade your outdoor space. With these ideas, you will breathe new life into your garden, saving money and contributing to environmental protection.

Recycled wood is becoming increasingly popular. We have been following this pallet-based decoration movement for a few years now. Many of you have already adopted it, yet it continues to intrigue others. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that pallets are so versatile and can be transformed into almost anything you can imagine: shelves, tables, sofas, armchairs, and much more. The nice weather is already here, and if you want to add a touch of originality with a unique piece in your garden or terrace, now is the time. Wooden pallets can be your solution, as they have all the advantages: low budget, authenticity, and an eco-friendly move. Stay with us, we will present our top ideas for decorating an ultra-modern garden with pallets and let your imagination run free for the rest.

Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets

You can create your entire garden living room with recycled pallets

Garden Living Room with Pallets: Action Plan

If you have decided to decorate your garden with recycled pallets, first of all, you need to make a plan, as you have many options. You can find pallets either on the street, usually near supermarkets or industrial areas. In fact, you can even buy them, as they have become so popular, and moreover, some large stores even offer ready-made furniture. However, this takes away all the charm of the DIY concept, crafting with your own hands and imagination.

Next, there is the layout and style to consider. You can opt for a complete garden living room look with pallets if you have a large garden. On the balcony, you can create a relaxation area with a sofa along the length with cushions. Or you can simply add them as a simple object: wall shelves, tables, and more.

The pallet, originally used for transporting goods, finds a second life as decorative garden furniture. Additionally, you can incorporate it into your garden living room without any fear of bad taste. You can really create different atmospheres and styles that can satisfy even the most demanding. We have selected just for you some current trends to get ideas for a cutting-edge pallet garden living room.

Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets

Shabby Chic

This is one of the styles that suits a garden living room with pallets the best. It is relaxed and very charming. Translated from English, it means elegant shabby or worn chic. It is characterized by pastel colors, a romantic mood, and authenticity. You can paint the pallet furniture in pastel colors, pink, green, blue. If you choose to paint them in neutral colors, then have fun with the decoration and arrangement: floral cushions, small lamps. As with the vintage style, patinating the wood can give the desired effect.


Undoubtedly, this style has established itself as a favorite in the field of interior design for several years now. It charms us with its simplicity and sweetness. Each object has its specific place and function to create perfect harmony. Therefore, this style is easy to adopt. For our outdoor decoration with wooden pallets, bet on light colors. It is an accessible trend to adopt and very pleasant. You can choose a chair that has been repainted in white, for example. Or an entire garden living room with pallets: sofa with graphic or bright-colored cushions, chairs, tables. You have countless options, as with the Scandinavian style, we bet on neutral decor that matches everything.

Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets


This is another style we love, and it has been very popular for some time. To give your pallets a vintage feel, you need to use the patina technique on the wood, so your wood looks like it is from another era. As for the possible furniture, tables adapt best with more contemporary sofas or armchairs or vice versa.

Modern Style

This decoration is here to bring colors and good mood to your garden. This style is quite contemporary and characterized by geometric shapes, vibrant colors, and varied patterns. For an intense color, try painting small furniture or objects, a stool, for example, so that it remains discreet, and above all, it is an art to mix more than three colors in a decoration. One of the principles of this style is recycling and repurposing usage.

Preparing the Pallets

You need to clean and sand your pallets well, especially if you have picked them up from the street. Later in the article, I explain everything you need to know. For outdoor use, you need to apply a special wood treatment product to withstand weather conditions, such as marine varnish, for example. On the other hand, this is the time to paint them in a color or leave them in their raw form.

Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets

What to Watch Out for When Choosing Pallets

  • Avoid pallets that are near supermarkets, as they are close to food and the risk of bacteria developing is higher.
  • Check pallets for greasy stains, mold, or unpleasant odors.
  • Avoid pallets that have been exposed to rain for a long time; even if this is not immediately visible, they may rot later.
  • Pay attention to how pallets are assembled if you intend to dismantle them.
  • Ensure they have a stamp guaranteeing their origin and that they have not been treated with strong chemicals.
  • Use gloves when handling them.
  • Clean and disinfect with a professional wood treatment product.
  • Sand the wood with suitable sandpaper for the surface.
  • Pallet wood is not very resistant to moisture, so it needs to be waterproofed and then varnished.

As you can see, ideas for a garden living room with pallets are plentiful. You can have aesthetic furniture, comfortable to create a pleasant space to welcome friends or spend time with family. Decorating with pallets can suit all styles to have a modern and harmonious home. Start without delay on your wildest projects.


Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets


Garden Decoration with Recycled Pallets














































Images via: Pinterest

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