Home Home improvement What Should You Know About Mosquito Control?

What Should You Know About Mosquito Control?

by Eva

What Should You Know About Mosquito Control?

Mosquitoes enjoy a rather notorious reputation for their minuscule size. The World Health Organization estimates that more than one million people worldwide die from mosquito bites every year. They are carriers of many diseases, including malaria and the West Nile virus. Almost everybody bitten by the deadly killers is aware of the pinching sensation followed by the uncomfortable urge to scratch. Do what you will; they somehow find a way to pierce your skin and enjoy a “bloody drink.” 

However, using various professional mosquito control methods, you can control their presence effectively. Over time, with proper maintenance and preventive measures, you could also prevent their breeding in and around your house. Here are a few ways to eradicate mosquitoes and some facts about them that would be helpful to know.

Different Types of Mosquitoes

There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes in the world. However, three of them are primarily responsible for causing the most diseases. These are Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes mosquitoes. Malaria, of which there are 241 million cases worldwide, is caused by the Anopheles mosquito. Culex mosquitoes cause West Nile, encephalitis, and filariasis, while Aedes is responsible for encephalitis, dengue fever, yellow fever, and other diseases. The buzzing sound in your ear during the night followed by a quick bite is caused by the Culex species. Other popular species are Mansonia, Psorophora, Uranotaenia, Wyeomyia, and Ochlerotatus.

Where are They Commonly Found?

Each mosquito species has its specific breedings ground or conditions most conducive to its growth. Anopheles is found in temporary rain pools, ponds, and swamps, while Culex thrives in freshwater habitats like ponds, ditches, puddles, and effluent discharge. Inside your home, you will usually find mosquitoes huddled up in the cool and dark corners. Potted plants are another potential breeding area since mosquitoes lay eggs in the water that overflows and collects in the saucer after watering. Discarded tires, garbage cans, toys, and birdbaths are other places in and around your house where they lay eggs.

How Can Pest Control Help?

Sprays and DIY methods will only get you so far when you are looking to eliminate mosquitoes. Ultimately, you will have to take the help of professional pest control services for effective and long-lasting results. Using a combination of various pesticides, techniques, and technology, they will ensure that your house is free from present and potential breeding areas. 

A Brief Idea About the Entire Process

Firstly, the pest control services will conduct a house inspection to determine the extent of the infestation and access points and what methods will be required to eliminate the pests. Then they will carry out targeted spraying by using synthetic chemicals and natural insecticides to get rid of the nesting sites. The exterminators might also use a substance to kill the larvae in standing water to prevent their multiplication in the future. Lastly, they could use microbial insecticides like Bacillus Thuringiensis to prevent the growth of mosquitoes in water environments.  

What Pesticides are Used?

The precise type of pesticides used by a company or services varies from one to another. However, most of them use various products like adulticides, larvicides, and synergists. Pesticides that are the most effective against mosquitoes are pyrethroids, pyrethrins, sumithrin, resmethrin, permethrin, and organochlorines. A lot of these work against both adult and larval mosquitoes. However, the quantity of chemicals used during the eradication process is not so large as to cause any health problems. 

What Steps Should You Take?

You might be asked to stay outdoors during the application, especially if you are sensitive to chemicals. You will also have to cover your kitchen area, dining ware, and flower pots and remove any large pieces of furniture to allow easy access to pest control professionals. If you’ve got pets, it’s advisable to drop them off at your neighbors. 

Tips to Avoid Mosquitoes in Your Home

These are a few measures you can take to prevent mosquito habitats and prevent their breeding areas in your home. 

  • Remove stagnant water in old tires, rain gutters, toys, plastic covers, and other open containers. 
  • Change the water in fountains, wading pools, potted plant trays, and birdbaths to prevent the multiplication of mosquitoes. 
  • Drain temporary pools of water filled with dirt.
  • If you’ve got a swimming pool, keep it clean at all times.
  • Use screens for doors, windows, and other openings to prevent mosquitoes from entering. If they’ve got holes, have them covered.
  • Try changing the lights outside your home to yellow bug lights that attract relatively fewer mosquitoes.

Using a combination of practical and proper mosquito control methods, you can prevent their breeding and multiplication, both inside and outside your house. However, it is important to remember to treat them seriously as they can become a cause of concern if left to breed in your dwelling for long. 

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