Home Garden Unwanted neighbors for roses: which plants should not be planted next to the queen of the garden

Unwanted neighbors for roses: which plants should not be planted next to the queen of the garden

by Eva

Unwanted neighbors for roses: which plants should not be planted next to the queen of the garden

In past articles, we talked about the most successful companions for plants and classic compositions. But are all plants suitable for royal accompaniment? After all, there are those with whom it is better not to allow neighborhood for roses. In this article we will consider combinations that should be strictly avoided.

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Are all plants suitable for royal accompaniment?

Pros and cons of joint landings

The neighborhood with the rose can negatively affect its flower garden partners. As you know, the number one problem in our northern gardens is to provide roses with a reliable winter shelter. If in a monoculture it is not so difficult to do this, then in mixed plantings there is a risk of evaporation under the warming of many plants. This applies to wool stachis, monarda, bluebells of the Carpathian and peach leaves, and a number of other plants.

Planting wool stachis (sheep’s ears) among roses is not always justified. Author photo

However, it was noticed that in mixed plantings roses are less sick. Plants that produce phytoncides and repel insect pests help roses from invading aphids, rodent mites and other pests.

In addition, planting roses in a mixborder along with other plants has another definite advantage. The loss after an unsuccessful wintering of some instance in the rose garden immediately catches the eye and requires a quick change. In the curb, such a loss will be almost imperceptible.

An example of a joint composition with a rose.

In addition, in mixed plantings, it is permissible to plant roses rather haphazardly. In the “rustic” flower garden, referring us to the traditional cottage garden, any variety will find a refuge. In the rose garden, however, the planting pattern requires a certain structure, which is better not to break. About which plants will become ideal or successful companions for the queen of flowers, I wrote in detail in the article Good neighbors for roses: which plants can be planted next to the queen of the garden. Various options were considered there – the English classics of the genre, winning combinations with perennial and annual plants and avant-garde compositions.

An example of a rustic flower garden, where everything is mixed up.

Deriving the rule of combining roses with other plants, it is necessary first of all to understand that the environmental growing conditions for both must be uniform. No matter how we like to plant ferns or hosts for roses, such attempts are doomed to failure: well, these shady plants will not live next to a rose that requires sun.

It will never occur to a competent gardener to combine planting roses with rhododendrons, heathers or hydrangeas, which are acidophilous plants and grow exclusively on acidic soils. And roses, as you know, prefer neutral ones.

Rose and primroses

Walking around sites on the Web, it happens, you come across tips on how to compensate for the lack of decorative rosary in the early spring. In particular, they recommend planting small roses, daffodils, tulips, and even hyacinths among roses. I would like to categorically object – and warn gardeners from such actions. Firstly, tulips and hyacinths need an annual dig. But how to do this without disturbing the root system of roses?

We plant primroses separately

Galanthus (snowdrops), crocuses, bluebells, chionodoxes and muscari appear just at the time when you must carry out spring pruning of roses and trample around them. At this point in the ceremony, nothing should be confused under your feet. In addition, although they do not need to be dug out faded daffodils every year, they do not add decorativeness to the rose garden. Set aside a special sunny spot for spring bulbs to enjoy the picturesque curtains.

Do not plant roses in a variety of primrose. These are plants for partial shade, and in the sunshine of the rosary they will feel extremely uncomfortable: they will quickly bloom, their leaves will turn yellow. It is not a fact that primroses will not disappear at all in the summer from dehydration and excess sun.

We plant primroses separately

Unnecessary rivals
You should refrain from planting among roses such overly decorative plants as dahlias, gladiolus, and tuberous begonias. They bloom at about the same time, overshadowing everything around with their exorbitant decorativeness. In addition, they need to be planted and dug every season, which is incompatible with growing roses. They need a lot of space, fertile soil, special attention.

Begonias next to roses are inappropriate because of their excessive decorativeness.

Echinacea daisy and you should not be planted near roses.

The practice of planting lilies in the rose garden is also doubtful. These magnificent plants will compete with roses, no matter what they say about their “perfect” combination. For some reason, in gardening practice, there is an opinion that this is a great partnership. Let me disagree, if only because roses are often mulched by rotted manure, and lilies do not tolerate manure!

It is better to refrain from planting roses and lilies together.

Joint planting of roses and lilies is permissible and justified only in the case of the cultivation of oriental hybrids, which are harmful to excessive moisture from autumn rains, so it is better that they winter with roses under cover. Lilies compete with roses in terms of aroma. Everyone is familiar with their suffocating smell on a July evening, which completely clogs the subtle fragrance of roses.

The best flowering plants for the cutest garden

Irises are also absolutely unsuitable for escorting roses: they fade quite rapidly; then, in a cut-off form, they are an unlikely sight. They need to be given a chance to prove themselves in a separate place, especially since the agricultural technology of irises does not at all interfere with the agricultural technology of roses, and in the humid environment of the shelter they can easily rot during the winter.

Irises, despite their splendor, should not be planted near roses

Dangerous neighbors

Placing some plants near roses, you need to know their nature well. The aggressor plants propagating by underground rhizomes are unacceptable. Over time, they are able to fill the entire plot and strangle not only roses. And to get rid of them in this case, without damaging the root system of the neighbors, is very difficult. These plants include pinworm and pinworm. White drooping brushes of the latter look amazing in bouquets of roses, but to plant them together will be a big mistake.

Plants are dangerous neighbors for roses: dotted loosestrife, loosestrife loosestrife, Japanese anemone and tenacious blood red

Neighborhood with the lily of the valley in May, the mountaineer, the spring brunner, the Japanese anemone, the horned violet is also undesirable. A special talk is about ground cover, which in a short time can occupy large areas. This little thing is blood-red, the budre is ivy, and the cassock.

Creating your own unique flower garden, where a rose can stand in a diamond surrounded by plants that only emphasize its beauty, or grow as an equal partner for other flowers, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of both “sides”. The queen of the garden has quite strict requirements for agricultural technology, so her companions must be “agree” with them and at the same time not harm her and not overshadow her beauty.





Via: 7dach

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