Home Clever ideas The shelves couldn’t fit there, but found a creative solution

The shelves couldn’t fit there, but found a creative solution

by Eva

Is not it very irritating when you buy something and this proves to be slightly different orΒ bigger than you expected?

Certainly, if you have correctly measured the area before, you can avoid the problem, but what if you have already bought the furniture and finally they protrude?

A family bought 3 shelving furniture from IKEA to fill a wall, but once they were assembled, they realized they had measured the room incorrectly.

This, of course, has finally come to their senses, since they have created a composition that is much more interesting and beautiful than it would be based on their original thinking …

The family used this construction to organize and store keys, correspondence, and various home tools. The blackboard is used to write reminders and playful notes that help family members stay organized.

shelves idea1 shelves idea2 shelves idea3 shelves idea4 shelves idea5 shelves idea6 shelves idea7 shelves idea8 shelves idea9


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