Home Garden How to grow Angelonia or summer snapdragon: A hardy and impressive shrub for your pot and garden

How to grow Angelonia or summer snapdragon: A hardy and impressive shrub for your pot and garden

by Eva

How to grow Angelonia or summer snapdragon: A hardy and impressive shrub for your pot and garden

Angelonia or summer snapdragon is a spreading annual with upright flower spikes that resemble miniature snapdragons. Flower colors available include white, pink, purple, lavender and lavender pink. Angelonia can be used as a border planting, a ground cover or as a trailing plant for mixed containers.

Bold color for sunny spots never looked so good (or lasted so long!). Angelonia — otherwise known as Summer Snapdragon sends up tall, sturdy spires of blooms in soft shades of pink, purple and white. The flowers last all summer, despite thunderstorms, wind, and punishing heat. Today’s more compact varieties, such as Serena and Serenita, are ideal for containers, too! The ideal annual for nonstop vertical color all summer long.

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Where to plant Angelonia

Angelonia are best planted in a moist but well-drained soil and are best positioned in a sheltered area that receives full sun. Angelonia are well suited to being planted at the back of a border for flower bed within a cottage or informal garden setting.

How to plant Angelonia

Amend the soil with manure or compost before plating, working into the planting hole using a fork or shovel. Dig a hole as wide and as deep as the root ball and space plant approximately 30cm (12in) apart. Ensure the plants are watered well to settle them into place after planting.

How to care for Angelonia

Water regularly and thoroughly until your plants become better established or when the soil becomes dry. Fertilise monthly to retain a healthy structure and prolonged flowering period, taking care not to overdo it as this will increase the volume of foliage but decrease the number and abundance of flowers. Keep in a frost-free environment over winter.

How to propagate Angelonia

It is possible to propagate Angelonia by division during spring.

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Garden Planting

Grow angelonia in well-drained soils situated in full sun, when the weather warms in spring. Clean the planting site of unwanted weeds and grass. Remove the vegetation by killing it with an herbicidal spray, using a hoe, hard rake or by hand-pulling.

  1. Amend poor soils with organics, as angelonia prefers growing in fertile soils. Spread a 6-inch layer of manure or compost over the planting site. Work the organics into the garden’s soil approximately 8 inches using a shovel.

  2. Plant angelonia transplants in a hole as deep and wide as the root ball. Loosen matted and overgrown root balls by gently pulling it apart with your hands. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep into the soil. Space angelonia transplants and seeds approximately 12 inches apart. Allow adequate air circulation between multiple plants.

  3. Saturate the angelonia’s roots with water after planting. Water the new plantings two to three times weekly for two to three weeks. Apply water to established angelonia plants when the soil becomes dry.

  4. Fertilize monthly with a premixed or concentrated water-soluble blend. Mix 1 teaspoon of concentrated fertilizer into a 1-gallon container of water. Spray or pour the fertilizer solution over the plant’s foliage and saturate the roots.

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  1. Grow potted angelonia plants in 3-gallon containers in full sun. Use containers that have bottom drain holes, to prevent root rot. Fill the container with a rich, well draining potting mix.

  2. Saturate the container with water before and after planting. Apply water until it runs from the bottom drain holes. Test for soil dryness by sticking your finger approximately 2 inches deep into the soil. Saturate with water, if the soil feels dry. Allow the potting mix to dry between water applications.

  3. Fertilize monthly with a premixed or concentrated water-soluble blend. Mix 1 teaspoon of concentrated fertilizer into a gallon container of water. Pour or spray the solution over the angelonia plant and saturate the roots.

  4. Transfer containers indoors when the weather cools. Place the angelonia plant in a warm location that receives full sun. Bring the container back outdoors when temperatures warm.



























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