Home Gardening Gardening secrets: How to grow fresh green onions in your garden and terrace

Gardening secrets: How to grow fresh green onions in your garden and terrace

by Eva

Gardening secrets: How to grow fresh green onions in your garden and terrace

Fresh Spring onions offer a lot in the kitchen but also in the human body. They enhance the taste of many foods and fresh salads, while protecting health in the best and most delicious way.ย 

Popular green onions are the main “ingredients” of the kitchen and should not be missing from any nutritional habit. They contain important elements, such as vitamin A and those of the B complex, phosphorus and iron, sulfur and iodine, as well as vitamin C in very good levels. They are antibacterial, tonic, diuretic and digestive, while protecting bones, eyes and heart.

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All the previous contents and properties are definitely enough elements to convince you to start your own cultivation, even if you do not have enough space, but also not free time, since they do not require much.

In agricultural stores, as well as in some commercial shops of the central markets, you can find the small bulbs from which your own onions will come. It is good to choose a cocoon with a diameter of up to 2 cm and no more.

Onions prefer sweet weather and sun. But they thrive everywhere and can withstand the cold. For green onions, plant from November to December, to be harvested * around February-March. If you are late there is no problem. You can plant them throughout the winter until April to acquire them -respectively- in the spring until early summer. A good suggestion is the gradual -chronic- planting, so that you have them on your table for weeks.

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* The green onions are uprooted after 8 to 12 weeks, before their leaves begin to bend and of course they are consumed immediately.

The place where your onions will grow should be sunny and the soil fluffy, so that it does not hold much water. Dig and clean from any foreign material and annoying stones. To improve the soil condition, dig well and mix the topsoil with a clean and rich organic soil or add a good amount of reinforcing compost. Then level. For cultivation on the terrace and in the yard – also in a sunny position – use comfortable containers and large planters. Apply a fluffy mixture with clean organic topsoil or even a ready-made dry mix for outdoor plants. Do not omit the openings at the base of the containers and on them enough stones for good drainage.


In your vegetable garden, plant the small bulbs – every 3 to 5 cm, on rows that are 10 cm apart. In large pots, put at distances of 5 cm and at a depth of 2 cm. If they are comfortable planters , plant -as in the ground- on lines with a distance of 10 cm .

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Take care:

  • Water normally at the beginning and then only when the leaves show that they are thirsty. Otherwise, you can destroy your plants.
  • Do not water when the weather is wet.
  • Dig from time to time -especially in a vegetable garden- lightly and carefully.
  • Do not forget to always remove the various weeds that appear.












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