Home Tips and Tricks Create an Effective Homemade Cleaner with Vinegar and Cornstarch: Tackles All Grease and Residue

Create an Effective Homemade Cleaner with Vinegar and Cornstarch: Tackles All Grease and Residue

by Eva

Homemade Cleaner

Create an Effective Homemade Cleaner with Vinegar and Cornstarch: Tackles All Grease and Residue

Discover how to make an effective homemade cleaner using simple ingredients like vinegar and cornstarch. Learn versatile cleaning tips to keep your home spotless, eco-friendly, and cost-effective.

In our efforts to minimize the use of chemicals in our homes, easy and efficient cleaning methods that are both eco-friendly and cost-effective are becoming more popular. One such method involves the combination of vinegar and potato starch, also known as Solamyl. This article will show you how this straightforward yet brilliant technique can replace many chemical cleaning products and become a reliable ally in maintaining a clean and mold-free home.

The Powerful Duo Against Dirt

Imagine a cleaning solution so versatile that it can be used on almost any shiny surface in your home – from tiles and sinks to bathtubs, windows, and glass surfaces. This cleaner not only provides exceptional shine but also prevents mold growth. Plus, it’s incredibly inexpensive to make.

How to Make It?

The basic formula is to mix 1 cup of water with 1 cup of white vinegar and add 1 tablespoon of potato starch, Solamyl. Spray this mixture onto the desired surface and clean as usual. The result will be a spotless, streak-free surface that stays clean much longer than with traditional cleaning products.

Homemade Cleaner


Additional Uses for Cornstarch at Home:

Potato starch has many uses beyond just being part of a household cleaner:

  • Ant Repellent: A mixture of crushed white chalk and starch in equal parts effectively eliminates ants.
  • Lawn Enhancer: A mixture of diet cola, a cup of cornstarch, and detergent diluted in water will give your lawn a vibrant green appearance.
  • Dry Cleaning: Potato starch can serve as a dry shampoo for clothes.
  • Silver and Wood Cleaner: A paste made from starch and water cleans silver and removes lacquer residue from wooden furniture.
  • Grease Stain Remover: Starch mixed with water helps remove grease stains from leather sofas and upholstery.
  • Ironing Aid: A spray bottle with water and starch makes ironing easier.
  • Odor Eliminator: Sprinkling starch into shoes overnight removes odors.
  • Pet Fur and Skin Care: Potato starch can make pet fur shiny and can also be used as a skin mask.
  • Book Mold Preventer: Starch between book pages absorbs moisture and prevents mold.
  • Knot Untangler and Burn Treatment: Starch helps untie knots and treat burns or mosquito bites.

Vinegar and potato starch, Solamyl, offer a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to typical chemical cleaning products. This simple trick not only delivers impressive results in cleanliness and shine but also provides various other applications that simplify daily household chores and personal care. Stop spending money on expensive chemical cleaners and try this amazing method that works better than any store-bought product.

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