Home DIY Craft figures with paper and wire for any decoration occasion with this DIY guide

Craft figures with paper and wire for any decoration occasion with this DIY guide

by Eva

Craft figures with paper and wire for any decoration occasion with this DIY guide

A DIY project with a decorative purpose of a special kind we would like to introduce to you in this article. You’ve probably seen the so-called paper wire before, but would you have come up with the idea of making such cute figures out of it? Paper wire figures are fitting at the time, because not only everyday situations can be represented with them. Even animals that are suitable for Easter or Christmas figures and motifs made of wire can be easily produced to complement in this way the festive decoration.

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In this article, we show you some inspirations to encourage you to emulate. You may also come across interesting ideas that you would like to try out while watching. In any case, there are no limits. With a little practice, you can really make all sorts of characters and motifs with paper wire.

The interesting thing about the paper wire figures is that you can come up with fancy things. Apart from individual figures (for example, you can make an angel out of paper wire at Christmas or give it away as a guardian angel), a whole landscape or any scene can be put together. Here, additional elements that integrate you into the scene are very good. Such elements are stones, wood, sticks or whatever else you can think of. Natural materials fit in our opinion best. A piece of bark or a wider piece of wood can serve as a base on which to fix all your figures.

Driftwood is just as well suited to creating a base for your scenery. Also, use those that dry in the air, simplify the craftwork a lot. You can shape it as you like and then simply put the wire figures in it. Or why do you also fill a glass container with sand and put the paper wire figures in there? As you can see, there are some interesting things to do when you make paper wire.

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Very handy is also the fact that the figures are additionally designed with paper. In this way, the shapes are much better. It’s not just a newspaper or music paper that gives the character a vintage flair, but also snippets of colorful brochures. The latter has the advantage of being able to make colorful figures out of paper wire. For example, if you want to have the leaves of a tree green, just use green paper. And you do not even have to get any extra craft paper. Instead of throwing away the accumulated leaflets, you can now find a great use for them.

If you would like to make paper wire figures, you will, of course, need paper wire. This is usually very soft and can be easily bent, so you probably will not need to use pliers when making paper wire. Nevertheless, they are an advantage if you want to bend tips or other forms that you can not do with your fingers. Very helpful to bend circles are simple pens. Whether a pencil felt pen or Kulli does not matter.

If you do not have a good imagination and can not really imagine how to bend the wire for a particular figure, you can also print templates in advance. You can also use pictures from the coloring books of your children. With the wire you can then simply follow the lines of the posture. Or you can use our photo gallery as a template when making paper wire. Do not be afraid to experiment. You will see that paper-making is easier than you might think.











































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Cathy February 29, 2020 - 2:38 pm

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