Home DIY Amazing kid house made from pallets

Amazing kid house made from pallets

by Decorator

kid house made from pallets

Today I invite you to discover furniture dedicated to children and teens and made โ€‹โ€‹from European pallets. It is from more complicate and complete projects we have seen on internet. A big kid house made by Antony Mazelin for a store concept for kids.
The aim was therefore to develop a play area for toddlers to hold reading ….
Initially they were planning a space with sofa range, chair and space for playing.
Create planning to put books, with sofa inside, a table slate designs,and even a palet sofa to observe mezzanine above!
In short words, the perfect place to reconcile and fun reading …

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kid house made from pallets2

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kid house made from pallets4

Images via: 1001pallets.com

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Mazelin Antony Dรฉco-AMZ March 10, 2013 - 7:53 pm

Bonjour,merci pour votre article,
ravi de voir que รงa plaise autant !
Passez me rendre visite quand vous voulez,
moi je repasserai en tout cas.
Merci encore.

Hello, thank you for your article,
delighted that likes it so much!
Go visit me whenever you want,
I’ll come back anyway.
Thank you again.

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