Home Decoration ideas 46 Ideas and tips for decorating with Easter eggs

46 Ideas and tips for decorating with Easter eggs

by Eva

46 Ideas and tips for decorating with Easter eggs

Easter eggs are a symbol of these holidays, andย  in Europe, they have a great tradition when it comes to decorating with them. Germany, Holland, Italy, Greece or the United Kingdom are countries where usually cook hard-boiled eggs and paint them with watercolors to later decorate the house and eat them sooner or later for breakfast.

48 Diy Easter decoration ideas with Easter eggs and fine Touches

Although this tradition is far from us, it is beginning to be timidly adopted precisely because of how much fun it is for children (something like the Advent calendar at Christmas, which little by little we have been importing and is increasingly present).

What is certain is that painted or decorated in a thousand and one ways, Easter eggs are a highly decorative element that fills homes with joy, fun and glamour.

And since Easter usually falls at the beginning of spring, it is a great way to welcome it and give our homes a change of scenery.

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Of course, since in these parts we are not used to decorating with them but to eating them for dessert, here are some ideas for those of you who are encouraged to make your first steps for Easter decoration.























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