Home Paint Training Wall paint effect Miraflor by Valpaint

Wall paint effect Miraflor by Valpaint

by Decorator

This is a new and modern decorative paint, consisting of its special primer LAVABILE LUX and its MIRAFLOR top coat. Miraflor is a special product which has been created for professional painters and skilled professionals who wish to use imaginative creativity to achieve new, different and original decoration styles on any type of surface such as wood, hardboard, plaster of Paris, plaster, bricks, cement, iron and light alloys. It is strongly recommended that these surfaces are treated using the special primer and then using the LAVABILE LUX primer.
APPLICATION: system: roller – trowel – spatula-brush, spray-gun, seasponge
coats: 1 – 2 or even more
Apply the product uniformly with a short-pile wool roller or a brush. In order to
obtain the desired effect, use the tools shown in the catalogue. Between the first
and the second coat wait for about 6 hours at 20°C and avoid to apply at a
temperature inferior to +5°C and superior to +30°C or on surfaces exposed to sun
or wind.
Complementary products:
1 – Transparent Miraflor to decrease the intensity of the colours.
2 – Matting Milaflor N. 314 to obtain the soft and matt effects.
Matt effect is obtained by adding 10% of Matting Miraflor N. 314 to Miraflor
All the Miraflor colours can be mixed among themselves and applied on the white
or coloured Lavabile Lux bases.

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