Home Garden The Allure of Verbascum: A Vibrant Addition to Your Garden

The Allure of Verbascum: A Vibrant Addition to Your Garden

by Eva


The Allure of Verbascum: A Vibrant Addition to Your Garden

Discover the beauty and versatility of Verbascum (Mullein) in your garden. Learn about its varieties, care tips, and how to cultivate this stunning plant for a dynamic, colorful display.

Verbascum, commonly known as Mullein, is a popular choice for natural and English gardens. Its striking flower spikes and diverse varieties make it a standout plant. This blog post delves into the details of Verbascum, including its characteristics, origins, varieties, and cultivation tips.


Discovering Verbascum: Planting, Care, and Varieties

Basic Information

  • Botanical Name: Verbascum
  • Common Name: Mullein
  • Family: Scrophulariaceae
  • Origin: Mediterranean to Central Asia
  • Type: Biennial or Perennial

Verbascum thrives in cold weather but dislikes high humidity and heat. It ranges in height from 10 to 200 cm, depending on the species. When selecting a variety, check the label to ensure it suits your garden space.

Flower and Leaf Characteristics

  • Bloom Time: June to July
  • Flower Colors: Pink, orange, yellow, white, purple
  • Height: 10 to 200 cm
  • Hardiness: High
  • Heat Tolerance: High

Verbascum blooms are dynamic, forming tall flower spikes with small but vibrant flowers. The leaves are oval, slightly thick, and spread out from the base.


Name Origin and Symbolism

The name “Verbascum” derives from the Latin word “barba,” meaning beard, referring to the hairy stamens. The flower symbolizes adaptability.

Popular Varieties

  • Pheniceum ‘Southern Charm’: Known for apricot, beige-pink, and cream-yellow flowers.
  • Silver Mullein (V. bombyciferum): Notable for its silver leaves and yellow flowers.
  • Wedding Candles: White flowers with purple centers, growing up to 100 cm.
  • Polar Summer: Features silver leaves and yellow flowers, growing up to 150 cm.

Cultivation Calendar

  • Bloom Time: June to July
  • Planting/Transplanting: October to November, March to May
  • Fertilization: March and October
  • Seeding: October to November, March to May

Growing Conditions

  • Sunlight: Prefers sunny, well-ventilated outdoor locations.
  • Temperature: Hardy in cold; sensitive to extreme heat.
  • Soil: Needs well-drained soil.

Growing Tips

  • Planting: Mix compost and slow-release fertilizer into the soil two to three weeks before planting.
  • Watering: Water at the base to prevent fungal issues. Water in the morning or evening during summer and midday during winter.
  • Fertilization: Use slow-release fertilizer during planting and top-dress annually in March and October.
  • Pests and Diseases: Watch for powdery mildew and gray mold. Control aphids and thrips with appropriate treatments.

Pruning and Maintenance

  • Deadheading: Remove spent flowers to encourage new blooms.
  • Cutting Back: For biennials, cut back after the first bloom to encourage a second flowering.
  • Winter Care: Remove dead leaves and ensure good air circulation to prevent disease.



Verbascum can be propagated from seeds sown in trays with seed-starting mix. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Once seedlings have a few true leaves, transplant them carefully to avoid damaging the roots.


Verbascum is a stunning addition to any garden, offering vibrant colors and dynamic growth. By following these tips, you can enjoy the beauty of this plant throughout the growing season. Consider adding Verbascum to your garden to appreciate its elegance and charm.














Images via: Pinterest

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