Home DIY Recycle deco: See what you can do by recycling bicycle wheels

Recycle deco: See what you can do by recycling bicycle wheels

by Eva

Recycle deco –Β DIYΒ by recycling bicycle wheels

In today’s times, you can create endless things by recycling all kinds of objects, from tires, pallets or CDs. However, have you ever wondered what you could create by recycling bicycle wheels?

The easiest way to cut glass bottles and reuse it for your decorations


Lamps, mirrors, watches and even furniture are just some of the things you can do with your bicycle wheels. If you want to get some ideas, please see the following photos:

Look at the pictures:

DIY by recycling bicycle wheels1 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels2 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels3 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels4 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels5 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels6 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels7 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels8

DIY by recycling bicycle wheels9 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels10 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels11 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels12 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels13 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels14 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels15 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels16 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels17 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels18 DIY by recycling bicycle wheels19

Images via: Pinterest

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DIY ideas with caps - an unusual material for homemade art decoration | My desired home September 28, 2018 - 6:13 am

[…] Recycle deco: See what you can do by recycling bicycle wheels […]

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