Home Home improvement A homeowner’s guide on how to effectively go solar

A homeowner’s guide on how to effectively go solar

by Eva

A homeowner’s guide on how to effectively go solar

It is crucial to make informed life decisions to improve the quality and standard of living. Switching to solar-powered homes is one such prudent choice that people can make in the present times. It helps save money on electricity bills and is incredibly environmentally friendly.

Installing devices that run on the incredible and inexhaustible energy from the sun should be on top of the priority lists for homeowners. But for those who haven’t yet discovered the power of going solar, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand how to go about it.

Evaluate suitability

The very first step to moving in this direction is to check how suitable your roof conditions are for a solar-powered installation. To do this, consider the following carefully.

  • Age of your roof – Ideally, such installations work best on roofs that are less than ten years old. But they can also be done on older roofs, provided it is in good condition.
  • Roofing material – Roofs that have asphalt shingles are the best and easiest to work with. Roofs with tile, rubber, and metal membrane are also viable but may cost extra.
  • Shade on your roof – The idea is to get as much sunlight as possible on the panels. Therefore, the less shade on your rooftop, the better. That’s because shade reduces efficiency and decreases the output of the panel. South-facing roofs are most preferred. They can be tilted to work with east-facing rooftops as well.

Consider the budget

Once you have established beyond doubt that your home is solar-compatible, the next step is to chart out a budget. Once you have established beyond doubt that your home is solar-compatible, the next step is to chart out a budget. 

This can be a little challenging because there is no specific number that an installation professional can quote you. That’s because you need to consider factors such as the area of the roof, size, and capacity of the unit, etc. 

A standard unit will cost you approximately $12,000. However, a small unit typically costs roughly $5,000, give or take a couple of grand. A sophisticated high-end unit will cost upward of $40,000.

If you want a specific, clear budget in hand, it is best to consult an expert. They can evaluate all the factors and give you an accurate cost, including the installation cost. If the price estimate is too steep, you can always consider leasing the system or other financing options.

Cleaning and maintenance

A properly installed unit requires little to no maintenance costs. There may be only a couple of ongoing system costs over the course of its fifteen to twenty-five years of average lifespan. These costs could be related to monitoring issues, inverter assessment, wire maintenance, or adding snow guards.

These panels have a typical one to two percent degradation factor depending on climatic and weather conditions. This percentage can increase due to soiling effects resulting from improper or infrequent cleaning. Therefore, regularly cleaning the solar panels will ensure they work to the best of their ability.  

You can run a damp cloth over the glass to clear away dust, dirt, bird droppings, and other residues that could block sunlight from reaching the cells within. Alternatively, you can hire companies that provide regular cleaning services for a reasonable price.

Understand that it impacts the resale value of your home

When you decide to have solar panels installed at your property, understand that it will increase the value of your property by a lot. That’s because most home buyers consider these panels to be as valuable as a modern renovated kitchen or a sophisticated basement. It is a feature that several potential buyers are willing to pay top dollar for.

So, if you ever decide to sell your home and relocate, solar panels will add to your home value and ensure you make a neat profit on the sale. 

In fact, the panels may help sell the house faster because more people will be interested in the property. Also, states like Massachusetts exempt property owners from sales tax and property tax hikes if they have solar-powered systems installed at home.

Conversely, if you are on the lookout for a house, it is wise to invest in a property with a solar-powered system in place. Alternatively, you can buy the home and have the system installed after purchase.

Solar energy has endless uses. It can be used to power homes, large manufacturing units, expansive farms, and many other things. 

In fact, some countries are studying how it can be used to power areas with little to no electricity. Naturally, the market for solar-powered devices will inevitably keep expanding over time.

It is wise to have these systems installed at home and make the most of their versatile uses in this scenario. They help you cut down on electricity charges, are environmentally friendly, and last for a long time.


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