Home Bedroom 5 Bedroom Tips for Better Sleep

5 Bedroom Tips for Better Sleep

by Eva

5 Bedroom Tips for Better Sleep

People often go overboard with decorating their bedrooms, forgetting that the main purpose of it is to
provide you with a full-night rest. By cluttering it with unnecessary details, we create an atmosphere
where we don’t feel comfortable. As a result, we don’t sleep well. Here are some bedroom tips that will
give you better sleep.

Cool Bedroom is Key

Regardless of which style you go for (vintage style bedrooms are very popular these days), the
temperature of your bedroom is one key factor that can make a difference between a restless or a
restful night. Experts agree that the optimal temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 72 degrees
Fahrenheit. Anything above and you will start sweating. Anything below and you won’t be comfortable
shivering even under blankets. If leaving your AC on during the night doesn’t seem appealing, you can
opt for a ceiling fan which will create a pleasant breeze. If that isn’t an option, you can always leave your
windows open, if the outside temperature is agreeable. During colder months, you should spend some
time experimenting with thermostat settings, until you find the temperature that suits you.


Choose an Appropriate Mattress

The importance of a mattress for a good night's sleep can’t be overstated. There are thousands to
choose from on the market, often confusing people and overwhelming them. Before heading out to the
store, you should do some research, to avoid confusion. For instance, this site has best reviews that will
help you make the correct choice. An ideal mattress should be neither too hard nor too soft, providing
just the right amount of support for your lumbar section. Depending on the way you sleep, you can go
for one of the high-end ones, with different sections providing various degrees of support. They do cost
a pretty penny though, so be prepared to shell out a lot of money for it.


No TV in the Bedroom

Relaxing in your bed while watching some TV before seeping sounds great in theory. In practice, it is one
of the worst habits you can make regarding your rest. Whatever you are watching will stimulate your
brain, preventing it from settling down for sleeping. Lights will mess your internal clock, confusing your
body. All this will give you trouble falling to sleep and keep you awake. TV should be kept in the living
room. Once you are done watching, you should turn it off and go to your bedroom, so that your body
can start preparing for sleep.

No Electronics

We carry out smartphones everywhere, including our bedrooms. They have a similar effect on you like a
TV, preventing you from having a restful sleep. Some experts claim that they can be even worse, as you
keep those bright LED screens just inches from your eyes. The blue light they emit messes your
melatonin production, just like laptop screens. And that is if you only use them to read or read an article
or two. If you use them for work, checking your emails, the impact is even more negative. Your brain

gets stimulated and instead of preparing for sleep, it changes into a full work mode. Once that happens,
it will take hours before you can settle down and fall to sleep.


Eliminate Outside Sounds

Some people don’t mind noise and can easily sleep through a thunderstorm. Unfortunately, not all of us
can do that. The majority of sleepers require silent surroundings to be able to snooze away. It doesn’t
have to be absolute silence, of course, but you should reduce outside noise as much as possible. This
largely depends on where you live and the location of your bedroom. If your bedroom window is facing
a busy road, eliminating noise might be hard. In that case, you need to invest in sound-proof windows
and some heavy curtains. If that doesn’t help or it is a too costly solution, you should get night earplugs
and play some white noise on your phone during sleeping. This is also a good solution


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