Home DIY 42 Diy cool ideas for wall hooks and hangers

42 Diy cool ideas for wall hooks and hangers

by Decorator

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It’s not such a matter of cost, since you will find ready wall hangers at good prices and huge selection ofΒ  hooks-hanger at the market, but a matter ofΒ  creation, imagination and aesthetics.

With a piece of seawood or driftwood, some woods from pallets, any piece of wood and some hooks, with a pile of objects that exist at home and availableΒ  for this use like old forks, with some branches-trunks found anywhere or simple clothes hangers, you can very easilyΒ  make much more beautiful and individual hangers and compositions for hanging clothes, towels and any kind of object, for every room of the house.

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Back Camera

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WI 10/2012: Neuer Look - Aus alten KŸchenaccessoires wird Wandschmuck

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Images via: Pinterest

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