Home Home improvement Why You Should Hire a Handyman Instead of Doing it Yourself

Why You Should Hire a Handyman Instead of Doing it Yourself

by Eva

Why You Should Hire a Handyman Instead of Doing it Yourself

DIY home remodeling, renovation, and repairs have been booming in the last few years as the amount of information on this interest has increased online. There are now dedicated DIY communities for everything from building a shed to renovating your bathroom. While DIY can be a great option, especially in cases where you don’t have a big budget, some things should be left to the professionals. Here are a few reasons why it is better to hire a handyman instead of doing it yourself.

Some Projects are Complex Undertakings

For complex projects, many people find they have undertaken something they will not be able to complete. This could be due to the scope of the project or the project requiring some skills you may not have. In these instances, you have to call a handyman to complete the project or to backtrack a little to ensure the project is completed the right way.

Get it Done Right the First Time

A primary advantage of hiring a handyman is that they possess specialized skills and have the necessary experience to complete the project right the first time. Home remodeling and renovation are costly, and you cannot afford to mess anything up. When you do, the repair will be expensive because the handyman might have to get rid of everything so they can start over again the right way.  

With a professional handyman, you do not have to think about the additional cost of these repairs because they will do it right. Even when something goes wrong after this, you can still call someone to do repairs. These repairs will be easier because everything was done up to the necessary standards and specifications the first time around.

Get Multiple People’s Expertise

When you hire a handyman, you get their expertise and experience. Sometimes, the project can be more extensive than you previously imagined, and you end up needing the services of a crew of people with different skills. For example, you may need a shower head to be changed but notice the bathtub does not have good drainage. In these instances, the handyman will help you get a good plumber for the additional work.

If you are unsure about how to find a trusted handyman whose advice you can trust, you can learn more about handyman services here and how to find the right handyman for your project. The linked guide is provided by McCombs Supply Co., Inc which is an online supplier of all appliance repair parts. They carry appliance repair parts from the biggest brands and manufacturers from all over the world. If you cannot find the part you are looking for, get in touch with them, and they will have it.

In short, a handyman can be a reliable source of the information you need and can also save you the time and effort it takes to find someone to provide the additional services required.


Many people do not realize there is a huge disparity between what a specialized service provider charges and what a handyman does. Hiring a handyman, therefore, means you end up paying a lot less for many of the same services. 

Second, they have their own tools and equipment. Tools can be extremely expensive depending on what you are looking for, and this can increase the cost of the project if you decide to do everything yourself. A handyman already has the required tools, and therefore this is not something you should worry about.

If You Lease the Home

Many people are not comfortable with their landlords entering their homes unless under very specific situations. Second, many people feel better if they see a professional handling the repairs even when you have demonstrated abilities in being able to do the repairs. Third, some insurance providers will not let you claim insurance if something goes wrong during the project if you decide to do things yourself. 

For these reasons you should always hire a handyman if you experience any issues with your property. Doing so will also show your tenants that you are a professional landlord who respects their privacy and cares that repairs are done by a licensed professional.

They Could Solve Other Issues for You

Even when their specialty is in one specific area, an experienced handyman has worked in so many houses and projects that they can detect small issues before they become even bigger. Many of these are smaller issues that will come up in a few months or years, which you may not be able to detect yourself.

If the issue is with the system they are working on, they will check it out and repair the whole appliance or system. This stops the problem from appearing in the future, potentially saving you a lot of time, money, and headaches.

It Will Save You Lots of Time

Handymen are specially trained to detect issues quickly. This is very different from the average person who might not understand the whole system and therefore spend a lot more time looking for the issue before fixing it. Finding the issue quickly is especially important in cases where there is a leak or important appliances are not working.

Do note that not all handymen take the same time to detect and fix issues, so it is always best to ask for an estimated delivery timeframe before hiring one. Asking for an estimate can also inform you whether you or the handyman can work around each other’s schedules because that may not be possible if you are both home at the same time or if the project takes too long.

Safety Reasons

Home remodels, renovations, and repairs are usually not as straightforward as many people think. There are serious safety considerations that go into every project, no matter how big or small. An experienced handyman already has an idea of how dangerous some tasks are and the measures they need to protect themselves as they do their job, and how to protect you once they are done.

Some of the incidences that might come up when working on a project include falling from ladders, being electrocuted, and slipping on wet floors. An issue that may arise after the project is done, for example, is things falling off the wall. Avoid all these by hiring an experienced handyman.

Get the Job Done Sooner

Life can be incredibly complicated, and you might end up pushing back a project you need to complete for some time in the future. Before you know it a few years have gone by, and you have not yet completed it.

You might also consider hiring a tradesman. The problem is that many of them already have numerous projects lined up and might not be able to get to you until they are done. Many handymen handle smaller projects meaning they will be available easier and faster.

The convenience of a handyman getting to your project faster means the project will be prioritized and done as soon as possible.

DIY is a viable opinion for a lot of things, but it might not be wise for repairs and projects around your house. There are legitimate reasons why you should consider hiring a handyman instead of handling the project yourself.

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