Home Garden How can you grow mango yourself in your garden? Instructions for growing this amazing tropical tree

How can you grow mango yourself in your garden? Instructions for growing this amazing tropical tree

by Eva

How can you grow mango yourself in your garden? Instructions for growing this amazing tropical tree

Those who love exotic fruits simply cannot avoid the juicy mango. The tropical mango tree has its origins in areas with hot, dry, and humid climates (especially India and Burma). And you can grow a mango yourself from the mango kernel. The result is a beautiful mango tree with rich green or purple leaves that cuts a particularly good figure as a houseplant. How to plant the mango kernel and grow a beautiful tree, you can find out in the article.

Which mango can you plant?

You cannot grow a mango tree from every mango in the supermarket. In order for you to be able to plant the stone, the fruit must be harvested ripe. Many of the edible mangoes are also treated with anti-sprouting agents, making them unsuitable for home-growing. So if you feel like growing a mango yourself, it’s best to choose a ripe organic mango and get started.

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Instructions: How to grow a mango tree from core yourself

If you would like to pull a mango from the mango core yourself, you should allow a few weeks. With good growth conditions, the mango tree as a houseplant will be 10-15 centimeters high and have leaves in 2-3 months. We’ll now show you how to prepare the seed, germinate and grow it as a houseplant. Since this is a tropical plant, you need a sunny, warm spot in your home for the best growing conditions.

Pulling the mango yourself: you need that

Similar to growing an avocado, you can also grow the mango tree yourself. All you need is the core of ripe mango, a suitable substrate, a flower pot with a saucer, kitchen paper, and of course a lot of patience.

Step 1: find a ripe mango

Since mangoes are an export good, they are often harvested when they are not ripe in order to keep them longer. In order to be able to grow a tree from the mango kernel, it is essential to start with ripe mango, ideally organically grown. Otherwise, the core of the seed may not be mature enough to grow into a plant.

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Step 2: expose the core and let it dry

Did you know that there is a large seed inside the mango kernel? It is precisely this seed that is used to grow the mango tree. To expose it, first cut off the pulp and carefully remove it from the mango kernel (you can eat the pulp straight away, blend it into a smoothie, or use it as an ingredient in sweet or savory recipes). Carefully remove the remains of the pulp from the stone so that it dries faster and is easier to cut. You can hold the pit under tap water and scrub the pulp with a soft brush. Or you can carefully scrape off the pulp with a small knife.

When the pod is reasonably free of pulp, dry it with a towel and place it in a place where it can dry further for a day or two (not much longer).

Step 3: Remove seeds from the core pod

To remove the semen from within the envelope, you must first open it. Ideally, the core is already slightly open. If not, use a knife to cut open the soft side of the sleeve, then split it with your fingers. When cutting, you must be careful not to damage the seed, because injured seeds will no longer germinate. Gently pull the seed out of the shell and remove any loose papery layers around the core without using force or peeling the seed. If the seed is wrinkled or looks rotten, it is no longer suitable for making a mango. The core should be brown or white-green in color and look fresh.

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Step 4: germinate the mango kernel

Now the seeds are wrapped in damp kitchen paper and placed in a freezer bag with a closure (or wrapped in plastic wrap). Then put the bag in a dark kitchen cupboard for about 1-2 weeks. You can also put it in a warm place, which is always good to speed up germination, but be careful not to let the paper towel dry out.

Every few days, open the paper towel and check for signs of germination. Moisten the paper towel again if necessary. It is best to wait until the new growth is 4-5 inches long before planting the seedling.

Step 5: plant the mango seedling

Part of the new growth becomes roots and the other part becomes shoots, but at this stage, it is very difficult to tell what is what. Because of this, it’s okay to plant the seed flat in the pot. The plant will align itself.

Suitable substrates are potting soil, soil for potted plants, or orchid substrates with pine or pine bark. The pot should be a few inches wider than the seed and provide space for several inches of root growth. A pot that is six to eight inches deep would be fine. Also, make sure that the pot has drainage holes and a saucer to avoid waterlogging.

Fill the pot with soil, leaving two inches below the rim of the pot. Pour the substrate thoroughly, let it set, fill it up to the same level, and put the sprouted seed on it. Cover the seeds with two inches of soil, water, and fill up. There should be about two inches of space between the top of the potting soil and the edge of the pot so that it is easy to water without it overflowing.

Step 6: Place the mango tree in a sunny place

After about six weeks, the plant should be drifting and forming leaves. Note that mangoes are tropical plants and like warmth and humidity. Place your plant in a sunny spot, but not in the direct, hot sun where it could dry out. Keep the soil moist, but not wet.















Images via: Canva

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